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War time is coming. Please save my Boy...!!! Take him abroad for a while

Unfortunately this is happening once again in Europe, becoming a reality, and like others  maybe at any moment he will receive a call from the military (being called up for mandatory military service). As parents we must make a decision  right now before it is too late: ´Save our boys from this disaster´.  This is something we hear every day from some of our special clients with this reality. 

This potential situation can be recognized from what is happening in Ukraine and Russia these days. Just look at it. Time is up. It seems that this nightmare is not going to end there. This story is something that everyone knows how it started but no one knows how it will end. 

So, what to do?, protect your son (or daughter) by sending him for a while to a safe place, with European style, beautiful landscapes, cutting-edge technology, world-class universities, professional growth, full of opportunities but far from war potential conflicts. 

This place is Argentina, the most European-style country in all of America that during the last two centuries has welcomed millions of foreigners from all over the world, especially from Europe, in search of a fertile and safe land for life and family. Once again Argentina becomes that country open to a new life, the land of Tango, the land of most famous opera house of America: the Colon theater, the land of best roast beef in the world, the last football  World Champion, the country with its immense Patagonia, highest mountains of America  and lakes, 5 Nobel Prize winners, the land of  Pope Francisco, Jorge Luis Borges, Astor Piazzola, Carlos Gardel, Eva Peron, Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi and more . . That's it. 

We are a professional team specialist in this topic of mentoring people for a soft landing in Argentina, we can take care of your son or daughter for a while, take care of everything they will need while they are in the country, immerse them in a Spanish training course with the best teachers to enjoy  their new life in the country, to level them up for admission to a national University if applicable, or for work reasons and we can do  more and more. From legal, immigration, language aspects to domestic issues such as necessary visas to live in the country, apartment rental for a comfortable stay in the best locations in Buenos Aires, etc. etc. we can support you with everything you need. 

War time is coming, time to make a decision is now, before it is too late. Take action now before the borders close, as it seems will happen sooner or later in some European countries.  Argentina is a great country with a great people, full of opportunities  and  far away from any type of possible war conflict. 

Many Ukrainians, Russians, Poles or Balts are simply taking action and living  a happy life in Argentina. Count on us to help you do it as soon as possible. 

So, how does it work? The first step to moving forward is an exploratory interview with us to get to know each other. We also recommend that you start with a 12-week immersive Spanish language course to ease the way, the sooner the better. 

For more information Contact us: Coach Claudio/Rosana at

Subject: Argentina Life Mentoring and Coaching 


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